8/13/2015 09:00:00 AM 0 Comments

David Weiner – Ambit Energy – From Sick and Broke To Success

by TED NUYTEN on AUGUST 12, 2015

David J. Weiner resides in Brooklyn, New York, USA and is one of the top leaders in Ambit Energy.
This is what he had to say:
"My story goes back over 8 years ago in the early stages of Ambit Energy where I had been a Corporate Controller for a huge plastics conglomerate for over 25 years.  About 15 years ago something happened that would change my life and my thinking forever. I had suffered a massive heart attack requiring quadruple bypass and that took me almost 3 1/2 years to become fully functional again.
During my recuperation, I had lost my job and the burden of financial responsibility fell upon my wife. Once my health improved, I realized that I had to do something very different moving forward. I took my business acumen and experience into the Accounting, Real estate and related industries where I was now working for myself and I must say I built up a decent sized business…BUT…something was missing…and that was my time was again gone just like in Corporate America.
Then about almost 8 years ago, a real estate colleague of mine asked if I kept my options open to opportunity and of course I said yes. It was Labor day week and I was hot and tired and here I was sitting in a small hotel with no air conditioning and listening to two guys ( who later I learned worked for the NYPD!!) and they were so very excited about this energy concept. 
Well I have to tell you when I heard this presentation I got it….This was a no brainer and for the first time in a long time my “wheels” were spinning with excitement. Ambit Energy made perfect sense with no products to sell, no inventory to maintain, no collections to concern myself with, no catalogs, no exercise equipment, no diet pills and for me especially….no banging on doors!!
David J. Weiner
Since the beginning of my relationship with Ambit Energy, I have always kept my focus on achieving my goals while at the same time always reaching out to others and helping them reach their goals as well. I was always taught from my family as well as my business knowledge that to reach any level of success, I would have to make sure I help as many other people do the same thing.
Ambit Energy early on enabled me to pull away from one company that I started and another where I had a partnership. Ambit Energy has now enabled me to come very close to my dream of financial independence and a personal dream of helping others achieve the same and doing Ambit Energy full time.
Ambit Energy was a total wow and still is!bIt was from this point that I met this guy from Texas with the passion and the energy of 1,000 men and that really got me excited. Steve Thompson’s rise to success is based on his passion about Ambit Energy and his drive to succeed. 
Steve came to the New York area literally every week and reached out to so many people who have become so successful because of his leadership, his compassion and his excitement. He had become an “honorary New Yorker because I think for the first few years he spent more time here than he did in Texas!!
I am so honored to know Steve Thompson and to date so very honored that he is a part of my success and the success of so many that have become not just associates, but family. I have the highest regard for Steve, his leadership and his direction and so very proud to call him a friend.
My business has grown substantially and all I do are home meetings, one on one presentations and I make it my business to be a part of as many Ambit Energy presentations as I can. Currently I am very proud to have opened meetings in Astoria, New York, Brooklyn, New York, and various locations in New Jersey. I am in the process of opening another in the upper portions of Manhattan in addition to traveling the other states and participating in presentations there as well.
Here is something that sticks out for me about Steve….Last year, I wanted to have a training to help consultants gain knowledge and insight and I reached out to Steve via the phone.  I asked Steve for his help and all he said was put it together and I’m there…….I was floored…no ifs ands or butts, he just made it his business to help me help others succeed…….Thanks Steve for who you are and what you do!


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