2/01/2014 10:47:00 AM 0 Comments

When you’re using a site like Facebook to reach an audience, the sky is truly the limit when it comes to the amount of people you can reach with your Facebook status updates. However, a lot of marketers assume that creating a detailed, well-worded, original post is often enough to get noticed. The reason why this isn’t always the case is simple. Not everyone is going to see it. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t put that type of effort into content creation; you most certainly should. But you also have to focus on status updates.
Status updates on Facebook are a type of post that share more in common with your basic Tweet than, say, a blog post. These updates shoot across people’s News Feeds quickly and really need to stand out if you want to get noticed. But what do you include here? How do you construct one?

Important Factors of Creating Status Updates

1: What the Updates Should Be About
The first rule here: If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say it. Now, that being said, there are all types of subjects your statuses can be about. You can ask important questions, give news about a contest, talk about a big business move, share your experience, spread the news about something trending. The idea here, if you can’t tell, is to engage people with your status updates. You shouldn’t waste your time creating a status about the mundane. Create statuse updates that excite and captivate and make people want to know more.
2: What the Updates Should Include
A status update isn’t going to be a long post, so it might be a good idea to avoid constructing anything that’s overly detailed for the sake of the update. Now, if you’ve created a cool new infographic, an informative video, have some new pics to share, etc, then you can definitely shout these things out in an update. “Guys, make sure to check out our new vid on online money-making!” or something to that effect is always a good idea.
3: When the Updates Should Be Posted
Facebook status updates are flying through the ether by the billions right now, and many of them will not be seen. Ever. So it’s incumbent on you to know when your audience is around. Whose News Feeds are you in? You should be able to find this out, if only by who’s actually coming to your page, Liking your material, sharing it, etc. What hours are they usually on? Pick a time when you witness the most activity.
4: What to Keep Out of the Updates
What you keep out is often more important than what you put in. Think of a Facebook status update like an abridged letter in an email marketing campaign. You may want the entire update to act as a call to action; and, as such, you want to leave out anything that doesn’t offer value to your audience. Whether it’s about a contest, a new photo set, new products, or whatever else, include the useful information and forego the filler.
5: How Much Information to Put in an Update
When it comes to your status updates, keep them short, pithy, succinct, and all those other words that convey the same meaning: Not long! Around 225 characters are the Facebook sweet spot. You can’t say anything of note in that frame? Then use other methods, such as linking and hashtags. You can pack a lot of information in without having to exceed 225 characters.
The “what” here might seem a bit vague, but that’s only because the type of material you can actually put into a status update is all encompassing. You can create one about anything you want. Just remember to offer value, post at the right time, avoid the filler, and to excite your audience with the update.
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If you don't say Something how will we Know What you're thinking!??!