R U A VICTIM?!?! N.B.T. (Next Big Thing) Pt.1

2/08/2014 08:39:00 AM 0 Comments


It's about 9:49 PM on a Wednesday and I'm outside on the patio of my coffee shop of choice with an Amstel and my IPod going through some old Dan Kennedy Inner Circle Newsletters, when I'm interrupted by yet ANOTHER "NBT" email that pops into my in-box...
That probably puts the count at around 15 since this morning. 
What's N.B.T?"
Ahhh yes...  It stands for the "Next Big Thing."
And it's a DISEASE that infects all networkers until they join at least 5 opportunities and never make any money.
Unless you deal with your NBT, you end up looking like this guy -->
Fortunately, it starts to dissipate at that time for some, but will continue to cripple the minds of many for the remainder of their career, killing their chance of ever seeing success.
Today, I hope to immunize you from this disease once and for all...
Understand this, and you will be cured:
  • This industry will not save you.
  • Your company will not save you.
  • Your comp plan will not save you. There is no such thing as a "Turn Key" system you can buy that will make you rich.
  • There are thousands of companies that "are growing faster than Microsoft!" (Not just yours...)
  • It doesn't matter if you think you have the greatest product in the world unless you plan on buying $50,000 or more of it per month yourself... (All that matters is what YOUR CUSTOMERS think about it).
You are being sold by expert marketers, (the company leadership), because they know they must truly MOVE your emotions just to get the average Joe to sponsor 2 customers or builders.
Wake up...

Want you or your artists' vid or interview up. Do you own a business and would like the exposure of being on The Nerv Of Them MMMBlog!?!? Get in touch with us with one of the links below...


If you don't say Something how will we Know What you're thinking!??!