2/17/2014 12:37:00 PM 0 Comments

Michelle Marks 
Olive Leaf Extract Anti-Bacterial News(NaturalHealth365) Olive leaf extracts can be a powerful health tonic to destroy bacteria and boost immunity. According to the study done by the scientists from Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Israel, olive leaves practically kill almost all bacteria, including Candida albicans and E coli. Research that followed the Israel study also favored the same results underscoring olive leaf’s potential as an immune-booster.
The olive tree and its leaves are popular for its ability to resist infections, attacks by microbes and insects. With years of research scientists have now isolated the unique molecule, oleuropein responsible for the anti-bacterial effects of olive leaves.

Oleuropein kill bacteria and blocks the entire virus-specific system

Oleuropein, the key nutrient, is most concentrated in the leaves than any other part of the plant. Olive leaves are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, of which – oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol are bioactive. Other bitter phytonutrient compounds in olive leaves – caffeic acid and verbascoside – work together to resist bacterial damage.
To exert its anti-bacterial effect, oleuropein breaks down to elenolic acid that exhibits antibacterial action. However, oleuropein takes a different mechanism for its antiviral action. The unique antiviral mechanism is that it interferes with protein production of the viruses – which is critical for its survival. In addition, it also enters the viral cell and blocks its replication.

Avoid antibiotic resistance by consuming olive leaves

Unlike regular antibiotics that cause antibiotic resistance, olive leaves are safe and effective for long term use. Olive leaves are powerful immune-boosters, anti-bacterial agents as well as potent antioxidants. All these factors work synergistically to combat infection and other illnesses.
According to a study published in the journal, Molecules, olive leaves were effective both against gram negative and gram positive bacteria. Researchers revealed that olive leaves have an unusual combination of antibacterial and antifungal action – which makes it an effective antibiotic.
Besides its antioxidant effect, oleuropein also exert phagocytic activity by triggering the immune cells to engulf harmful foreign particles and germs. Studies show that oleuropein has higher antioxidant activity than vitamin C and E because it works together with the other antioxidants in olive leaves.

Olive leaves are effective against more than 50 disease-causing organisms

Research on the antioxidant effects of olive leaves has shown that they offer protection against genotoxicity via their free radical scavenging action. Many lab studies have shown that olive leaf extracts are effective against a host of common diseases such as herpes, salmonella typhi and candida krusei – to name a few.
An investigative analysis revealed the antimicrobial effect of olive leaves against bacteria and fungi. When water extracts of olive leaves were introduced in a petri dish of bacteria it destroyed all of them within 3 hours of inoculation.
The benefits of oleuropein do not stop at this – there are a plethora of studies that show the cholesterol-lowering, cancer preventing and free radical damage inhibiting effects of olive leaf extracts.
Holistic health practitioners and naturopaths encourage olive leaf extract supplementation for those that take antibiotics for an extended period of time. Even though there are no ‘standard’ recommendations for dosage, the “Handbook of Medicinal Herbs” by James A. Duke advises 500 mg – four times a day for short term use. Naturally, consult a qualified healthcare professional to determine the dosage that is suitable for you.
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1. Markin D, Duek L, Berdicevsky I; In vitro antimicrobial activity of olive leaves; Mycoses. 2003 Apr;46(3-4):132-6.
2. Pereira AP, et.al; Phenolic compounds and antimicrobial activity of olive (Olea europaea L. Cv. Cobrançosa) leaves; Molecules. 2007 May 26;12(5):1153-62.
3. Micol V et.al; The olive leaf extract exhibits antiviral activity against viral haemorrhagic septicaemia rhabdovirus (VHSV). Instituto de Biologia molecular u celular, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain.
- See more at: http://www.naturalhealth365.com/food_news/olive_leaves.html#sthash.qEoVIN48.dpuf
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