1/13/2014 07:31:00 AM 0 Comments



The truth of the matter is, running a profitable business is TOUGH. It’s very time consuming, always emerging and can be downright frustrating, only if we don’t move pass certain setbacks and limitations holding us back.

21 Nasty Internet Marketing Stumbling Blocks
Holding You Back From Your True Potential…

Internet Marketing Success...

#1 – Not believing in yourself, your vision, your identity. YOU are your worst enemy holding you back in your business.

#2 – Not investing in your business. If you want your business to be successful, you have to TREAT it like a business. It doesn’t take money to make money, but it takes money to make a lot of money.

#3 – Letting fear control you. Probably one of the biggest stumbling blocks out there. (False Evidence Appearing Real.) Pick your head up, stick your chin out and get on with your bad self.

#4 – Thinking you don’t need a coach. The quickest way to success is to find something that’s already working. Find a coach that is already doing what you want to achieve, and implement what they teach.

#5 – Thinking your ideas aren’t good enough. It’s a business, and at the end of the day, you have to make money to survive. Stop giving away your knowledge for free, you’ve spent years perfecting it. Create your own services and charge for them.

#6 – Focusing on all the wrong things. Contrary to popular belief, consistency isn’t the key to success. You can consistently implement the wrong strategies and fail. Focus on consistently utilizing strategies that are bringing you closer to your main goal. Everything else is just a distraction.

#7 – Not wanting to rock the boat. Don’t be afraid to be different, that’s what makes entrepreneurs successful, just look at Miley Cyrus… People either love it or hate it, but it’s working and she’s banking on it.

#8 – Being afraid to be your authentic self. Why blend in, when you can stand out? Not being your authentic self will only lead to HUGE disappointments later on down the road. No one can do what you do, like YOU.

#9 – Making excuses for yourself. If you want to get something done, you’ll find a way like your life depends on it, because it does. If your business isn’t making you money, you don’t live, you don’t eat.

#10 – Worrying about what everyone else is saying about you. Listen, even Mother Teresa and Jesus himself had critics. No matter what you do, you’ll always have critics. Whenever you do something great, it comes with the territory.

#11 – Minding other people’s business. If you’re too busy minding what other people are doing, and why they’re more successful than you are, you only hold yourself back. Your business is your business, and their business is their business… Different goals, different paths.

#12 – Being afraid to ask for help. You don’t know everything, so don’t pretend to. It’s ok to ask for help, because they’re people out there who can help you. Two minds are always better than one.

#13 – Not sticking to your core values. If you don’t like something, speak up – you’re not a puppet. Don’t become so caught up in following the crowd and letting them make decisions for you. That’s a no-no!

#14 – Too much talking, and not enough doing. (ABC) Always Be Creating. People don’t get ahead in life or business by talking, they get ahead by doing. This is where the REAL magic happens.

#15 – Wasting your time on pointless issues. The same amount of time you spend pointlessly chatting away on Social Media, can be valuable time creating something that is bringing you closer to your main goal. Keep the main thing, the main thing.

#16 – Sticking to the same old, same old. As Albert Einstein quoted “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is just pure insanity. If it doesn’t challenge you to grow, then it has got to GO. Step out of your comfort zone, and then step it up each time.

#17 – Not wanting to put in hard work. If you don’t grind, you don’t shine, if you don’t shine, you don’t eat, if you don’t eat, you’ll starve. Running a business REQUIRES hard work regardless of what the 1 hour millionaire said. No other way around it.

18 – Playing the victim role. Everything that has happened in your business is a result of what you’ve done so far, not anyone else’s fault. If you don’t like something, change it… If you can’t change it, hire someone who will.

#19 – Thinking you can do everything yourself. In some aspects of your business, you can. However, as you grow, so does your business. Eventually at some point, your business WILL outgrow you, and you will have to outsource to others who can help you manage it.

#20 – Not trusting your intuition. Only you know what’s best for YOU. Your heart already knows where to go, and what you really want to do. Feeling uncomfortable when you do something new is just part of the game.

#21 – Associating yourself with miserable people. Misery loves company. If you hang around with 6 negative people, guess what… You’ll become the 7th. BREAK all ties with negative people immediately. If they’re not challenging you to grow, they’re only hindering your progress.

Remember… Keep the main thing, the MAIN thing!

Now, GO Shine ;)

To The TOP,
Terrance Charles

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