8/31/2013 09:29:00 PM 0 Comments

     In the last post, one of the questions I wrote, something we all should be asking ourselves… “Are you hanging around the people that will help you get to where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?” I truly believe one of the fastest and easiest ways you can accelerate your success is by simply hanging around the “right” people. People who inspire you, challenge you, and help you grow. And unfortunately, it’s usually NOT your friends and relatives. There’s nothing wrong with them, but unless they have the same mindset, and the desire to achieve extraordinary things in their life, they can’t help you grow. On the contrary, often they pull you down, because they’re not “going for it.” You will usually make about the same income as the average of your 5 or 10 closest friends, depending on which expert you listen to. The explanation for that is simple. Like attracts like. So if you want to make more money, you should hang around others who already do. Just like if you want to be healthy, you should probably get yourself around others like that. And try to limit your exposure to people who believe in drinking a 6-pack every night. Kind of obvious, yet it can be a real challenge. Especially when it comes to family. If you don’t have the most supportive family members, it’s not like you can just turn your back on them. Now I can’t give you a solution to make people different. But I can tell you what YOU can do to put yourself in the right environment. Get around others who think like you do. Online, offline, it doesn’t matter. Join groups. Plug into or even start your own mastermind. Napoleon Hill talks about it in “Think and Grow Rich” as one of the core principles of success. “Men take on the nature and the habits and the power of thought of those with whom they associate in a spirit of sympathy and harmony.” He talks about Henry Ford, starting out as illiterate, ignorant, and in poverty. Yet, within a short span of just 10 years, he became one of the richest people in the world. Interestingly he made the biggest leaps when becoming friends with Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone (Firestone Tires) and other successful businessmen. The combined experience, knowledge, and intelligence you get through these kinds of associations multiply your power and greatly accelerate the speed with which you get results. Right now I get together once a month for a Master Mind meeting with a fellow marketer and copywriter who lives in my area. His expertise is offline marketing and business consulting, while I have a lot more experience online. So it’s a good match. I can’t tell you how much we both get out of it. A few months ago I casually shared with him one concept about online videos. This sparked more ideas in his mind, and he was able to create a huge transformation for one of his high-paying client’s marketing campaigns. Although he credits me with what he calls a “million dollar idea”, the reality is, it’s not my idea, but he got it through his association with me. Likewise, I took a simple thing he was doing for his offline business clients, and applied it to one of my projects. The result was an extra $3,700 in the first 30 days. In a previous post, I told you that you’re just ONE idea away from an explosion in your business. Well, by being around others who have ideas, you get to tap into this collective bank of experience and knowledge and use it for your success. It’s easy to skip this, thinking, I’ll get to it later. And to be perfectly honest, I wish would have paid closer attention and did this much, much sooner. Because the results can truly be amazing.

Cheers, Vitaly Grinblat

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8/28/2013 07:00:00 AM 0 Comments

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8/27/2013 06:30:00 PM 0 Comments


A few years ago, I was talking to an old friend, and the conversation turned to money and jobs, and I told him that if he wants to make more money, he should go into some kind of sales.
I was in personal sales at the time, so I was all gung ho about it.
And then he said something that kind of SHOCKED me.
He said – “Well, I just don’t want to do that. I don’t want to make a lot money. I don’t feel like doing all this stuff just to make more money.”
How could that be?
I still don’t get people who are not driven to better themselves financially, and I never will.
So of course he’s not motivated to go and do something different, something out of his comfort zone, because he doesn’t have “making money” as his goal.
Sure he “wishes” he made more money. Everyone “wishes” for more money.
But they’re not serious about it. They don’t have it as a goal. A REAL goal. They don’t jump out of bed in the morning thinking about HOW can I make more money today. They haven’t DECIDED to make that a priority in their life.
In my last post, we talked about IDEAS, and how just one idea can be life changing.
The problem is ideas by themselves will be of little to no value to you.
Ideas are all around. People that are broke and struggling, have access to the same ideas that are making others wealthy.
They are withing their reach. And often are even staring them in the face.
But without one extra ingredient they are worthless.
And this ingredient is INSPIRATION. The desire to take action. Do something. ACT on those ideas.
If you’re surrounded by good ideas, and yet you’re not taking action on them, I guarantee you it’s simply LACK of inspiration.
You just don’t feel like doing it. Just like my friend.
Now it’s not lack of desire.
It’s lack of specific goals that are the DRIVING FORCE of your motivation or inspiration.
We’ve all made lists of goals.
But making a list and REALLY committing to it are two completely different things.
See if you stick your head under water and I hold you for a few seconds, you’re going to be VERY, VERY motivated, INSTANTLY, to fight me and get some air. You didn’t need to write it down.
Real goals, things you’ve DECIDED to go after will do the same thing.
They will fuel your desire and inspiration to do whatever you need to do, without having to force yourself.
When you’re inspired, you become hopeful, energized, and driven to take action. And do it effortlessly.
In my opinion this inspiration is the doorway to great ideas that can change your business and your life.
But lack of it is like an invisible wall, that stands between you and good ideas. Keeping you paralyzed from taking the action you need, and often even just seeing these ideas.
This is why you set goals that move you.
This is why you gather information, in the form of books, cd’s, courses, etc… to flood your mind with ideas and expand your ever growing knowledge.
This is why you get around others who are going in the same direction, because you DO become who you hang around with most of the time.
Here’s a good question from Jim Rohn (I recently started to re-read his stuff again):
“Are you reading the books that will take you where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?”
Great question.
And you can apply it to everything…
Are you hanging around the people that will help you get to where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?”
Do you have daily, weekly and monthly goals that will get you to where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?”
Are you making choices on a minute by minute, hour by hour basis that will get you to where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?”
I know the answer for most people is NO.
And will stay that way because they’ve never made the decision to really go for it.
And that’s ok.
This is why we have the TOP 5% who are considered to be super achievers and consequently enjoy greater abundance in their life.
95% do not and WILL NOT, not because they can’t. But because they choose not to.
It’s a choice.
And the good news is, wherever you are right now, you can make that choice and DECIDE to join the top 5% anytime.
The moment you do, your life will never be the same.
And the money will follow.
Vitaly Grinblat

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8/27/2013 06:00:00 AM 0 Comments

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Cop 'Upset' By Speeding Woman's Dying Dad Lie, Arrests Her

8/26/2013 06:30:00 PM 0 Comments

A New Hampshire cop was so miffed when he discovered an "emotional" woman had lied to him about speeding in her car to get to her dying father that he later went to the woman's house and arrested her for driving with a suspended registration.
"I'm pretty used to people trying to bend the truth to get out of speeding citations, but this woman preyed on my emotions as a human being," Christopher J. Cummings, the state trooper who made the arrest, told ABC News today.
"She told me her father had stage four cancer, that he was breathing only six breaths a minute, and that she was trying to make it to the hospital before he passed," Cummings said.
Cummings pulled over Carley Williams, 28, of Nashua, N.H., on Friday night for speeding, he said.
"I was parked along the turnpike with my radar unit when I saw the vehicle travelling 82 mph in a 65 mph zone," Cummings said. "I took her driver's license and asked a question that I ask everyone I pull over. I asked if there was an emergency."
That is when Williams told her elaborate lie, the trooper said.
"There was a good act that went along with it," Cummings said. "She seemed pretty emotional. It made me believe that this person was legitimately telling me the truth."
After taking down Williams' information, Cummings returned her license and allowed her to go on, but not before he asked for the name of her father and the hospital.
"She was cooperative. I told her to please slow down and allowed her to continue," Cummings said.
Still, Cummings felt the need to verify Williams' story.
"I called the hospital where Williams told me her father was a patient and asked if he was there. They told me he wasn't."
Surprised, Cummings decided to conduct an online search of Williams' name along with her father's name.
"That is when I found her father's obituary on a funeral home website. He died in 2008," he said.
"I was upset," Cummings said, "For someone to lie about their deceased father just to get out of a speeding ticket was pretty upsetting to me as a person."
After further investigation, Cummings discovered that Williams had allegedly been driving with a suspended car registration. He could not tell ABC News why her registration was suspended.
"Driving with a suspended registration is a misdemeanor in New Hampshire," Cummings said. "For that reason she had to be arrested."
"This wasn't personal, it was a matter of law. The violation happened in my presence, so I made the arrest," he said.
On Sunday, Cummings went to Williams' home in Nashua and he brought a copy of her father's obituary.
"She came out of her house, looking bewildered, and I told her I wanted her to explain something," Cummings said. "She looked at the obituary I had and immediately said it wasn't for her father but that it was for her uncle."
Cummings arrested Williams for driving with a suspended registration and brought her into the Nashua police department.
"That's where she ultimately confessed," he said.
Williams, who was released from jail Sunday, did not respond to repeated requests for comment. It is unclear if she has an attorney.
By GEETIKA RUDRA | Good Morning America 

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8/26/2013 03:00:00 PM 0 Comments

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8/25/2013 07:48:00 PM 0 Comments

Is there anything more important than taking ACTION and working hard?

I believe so.

We always talk about taking action and “doing it” as a prerequisite to success. And it is. But I think it’s equally important to focus on something else and not just blindly do the grunt work.
And that is being RESULTS oriented.
If working hard was “the answer” then we’d have a lot more successful people in the world. You know there are people who work pretty hard. I think even much harder than you and I.
That’s not issue. Of course you have to take action and do the work. But unless you’re driven by results, it’s virtually impossible to make it.
You’ll be like the guy in my old business, let’s call him John.
John was told to open the yellow pages and call on accountants and accounting firms to pitch them “the program.”
For days I watched John hammer the phones for hours at a time.
Some said yes, and most said no. And even those who agreed to see John, none of them actually got into “the program.”
But then the next day he’d be at it again, smiling, dialing for dollars, because he knew it was a “numbers game.” Sure, that’s what you’re supposed to believe. It’s all just a numbers game.
So, finally I walked up to John and asked him… “Dude, do you want to build a business or do you want to enroll some accountants into your program?”
He looked puzzled… “Well of course I want to build a business.”
So I said… “I watched you for days now pursue this strategy and it obviously isn’t working. I know it’s a numbers game, but I think you’re more focused on doing the activity (calling accountants), then focusing on results, which is to recruit people, make sales, and make money.”
I think everything you do should focus on RESULTS. At the end of the day you need to measure your progress.
Success doesn’t happen in one day, but if you’ve put in a day’s work, you should have SOME results.
Many people go through the motions, but don’t have anything to show for it.
I know what their problem is. They’re not focusing on results. They’re focusing “doing” something, but not getting results.
It all starts with a very clear picture in your mind of what you’re trying to accomplish. And right now I’m not talking about making Six-Figures and all that.
That’s good for goal-setting and motivating yourself.
But you need to have a DAILY goal you’re shooting for. Not an activity goal but a RESULTS goal.
If you’re not getting any leads right now, then set a goal of getting 5 leads a day.
You can then bump that up. Same for sales and making money.
Can you imagine a store that focuses on getting people into the door, but never acknowledges the fact that the cash-register is empty at the end of the day?
The cash register is the end goal. Not the foot traffic.
Before I went into direct sales full-time, I had a job (my last one) in a carpet retail store.
And EVERY DAY, we had a goal to beat our last year’s numbers for the same day.
The overall goal was to beat the same month last year. But it starts with daily sales. And we would look at it every single day. Because when the VP of sales would pop in the store, go on the computer and see that we’re behind… he would have a very heated discussion with the store manager and then with us.
I hated that job and that whole approach.
However, in almost 3 years I spent there, it taught me to be very focused on growing sales every day.
And when I went full-time in network marketing, I would look every day at my numbers, which were pathetic for the first 12 months. But I looked at them anyway. I hated seeing goose eggs across the board (that’s what my upline would call zeroes.)
But it made me focus on fixing that, instead of celebrating the fact that I made my 10 calls today, passed out some cards, did some face to face prospecting or whatever.
I fully believe you get what you FOCUS on.
If you focus on activity, you’re not necessarily going to get results, and it’ll force you to lose motivation to continue doing it.
If focus on results, your mind will become more creative, you’ll be more inspired to do the activity, and you absolutely WILL get results.
Try it, it works.
Vitaly Grinblat

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8/24/2013 10:54:00 PM 0 Comments

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Worker Wages: Wendy's vs. Wal-Mart vs. Costco

8/24/2013 10:08:00 PM 0 Comments

Can a company pay its workers well and also make money?

Many aren't quite hitting the right balance. Hundreds of dissatisfied workers at major American companies like Wal-Mart (WMT), McDonald's (MCD) and Wendy's (WEN) have joined protests nationwide in the past year demanding higher wages and better benefits.

One company that hasn't had to deal with such strikes is Costco (COST).

The no-frills warehouse chain pays its hourly workers an average of just over $20 an hour, compared to just under $13 at competitor Wal-Mart. Even President Obama praised Costco in a recent speech about helping the middle class.

The recession has been good for companies that targeted budget-minded customers. Sales at Costco have grown an average of 13% annually since 2009, while profits have risen 15%. Its stock price has more than doubled since 2009.

During the same period, discount retailer Wal-Mart's sales grew an average of 4.5% each year, profits rose 7%, and its stock price increased 70%.

Costco seems to be investing some of those profits back into its employees.

Cesar Martinez, a 37-year-old fork lift operator, has worked at a Costco in North Carolina for 19 years. He makes $22.82 an hour, gets health benefits and a pension plan. He manages to save, and doesn't worry about hospital bills for his daughter, who suffers from asthma.

"That's the reason why I've been here for so long," he said. "The company gives you a decent wage and treats you with respect and takes care of you. That's why we all give 100%."

Some experts say companies aren't able to adopt the Costco model, because they can't charge its $55 annual membership fee.

However, research shows that it pays to pay employees well, because satisfied workers are more productive and motivated, according to MIT Sloan School of Management professor Zeynep Ton, who focuses on operations management.

"How many times have you gone to a store, and the shelves are empty or the checkout line is too long, or employees are rude?," she said. "At Costco, you see a huge line that disappears in minutes."

The productivity translates into sales, she said.

According to Ton's research, sales per employee at Costco were almost double those at Sam's Club, its direct warehouse competitor owned by Wal-Mart.

Workers who are dissatisfied with pay are joining picket lines. Last week, fast food workers in seven cities from chains like McDonald's, Wendy's and Yum (YUM) Brands-owned KFC, protested for higher wages of $15 an hour. It's a demand they've been making since last November.

It's been spreading -- from hundreds of Amazon warehouse workers in Germany to Wal-Mart workers walking off work, all calling for better pay, fair schedules and affordable health care.

The median pay for fast food workers nationwide is $9.05 an hour, or about $18,800 a year.

"While the fast food and retail industry is making record profits, its workers are forced to rely on public assistance just to afford the basics," according to Fast Food Forward, a union- and community group-backed organization behind some of the protests.
By Emily Jane Fox |

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8/21/2013 08:00:00 AM 0 Comments

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NRZ NEWS XCLUSIVE- You really think Jay Z is Nice, or are you Brainwashed?!!? DMC

8/20/2013 07:00:00 AM 0 Comments


               You really think Jay Z is Nice, or are you Brainwashed?!!? DMC
Back in Hip Hop's infancy, DMC of Run-DMC proclaimed himself "The King of Rock" and lived up to the title. Some may consider Jay Z the King of rap now, but the two legends don't seem to be on the same page.
In a recent interview, DMC expressed the belief that Jay Z's popularity comes mostly from the brainwashing techniques of contemporary radio stations. Since they play Jay-Z and other rappers over and over, DMC feels there is nothing special about Hov's songs.
"It was inevitable that hip-hop became commercialized but along the way our power got taken away. Now you got the same 12 records on radio being played over and over again. Lil Wayne, Jay Z ain't hot, it's just they're programmed so many times people are brainwashed. What made us, KRS, Tribe Called Quest, and De La Soul great was that we wanted to change the world, taking responsibility for our actions. Now everything that's negative in stupid ass America is celebrated."
                   Atlantic Records doesn't want T.I. to grow and develop
Atlanta rapper T.I. went through some rough patches in his life during the mid-2000s, but since those troubles with the law, he's been a seemingly different man. His last two albums have documented more of his personal transformation and change, as opposed to the pimpin' and thuggin' to be found on his previous works.
In a recent interview with XXL Magazine, T.I. says Atlantic Records has not been supportive of his attempt to his clean his life up.
"Nah, Atlantic Records hated," said Tip. "Labels love hardcore T.I. That keeps the cash register ringing. They don't want me to go to prison and caught though. They want me to be the Teflon Don, and I can't blame them. That shit's sexy. But I'm older, man. I'm wiser, I'm calmer, I'm better, stronger. I'm ready for whatever tomorrow got coming."

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Knowledge Is Power- Akala Interview #RealRap #TrueSchool

8/20/2013 07:00:00 AM 0 Comments

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7 Things Really Persuasive People Do- BY KEVIN DAUM

8/19/2013 01:30:00 PM 0 Comments

While many people don't like to sell, most find themselves having to persuade someone at some point. Persuasion is not just for salespeople and their prospects. You may try to persuade an employee to perform better, or perhaps you want to persuade your boss to take on your brilliant idea. Often the most effective persuaders are your kids. Somehow they come by it naturally while you, the adult, has to work hard to find the persuasive path to success.
Whatever your persuasive need, here are 7 things that the most persuasive people consistently do:
1. They Are Purposeful
Truly persuasive people understand their power and use it sparingly and knowingly.  They understand that most conversations do not require trying to get someone to do or accept something. Aggressive pushers are a turn-off and will put most people on the defensive. It's the person who rarely asks or argues that ultimately gets consideration when they strongly advocate an idea, especially when they do it with power and persistence.  Simply put, they pick their battles. Want to persuade more? Argue and advocate less often.
2. They Listen ... and Listen ... Then Listen Some More
People who know how to persuade also know that just pushing your own argument will get you nowhere. They certainly are able to articulate their position in a convincing way, but that is only half the equation. They are actively listening when in persuasion mode. First, they are listening to assess how receptive you are to their point of view. Second, they are listening for your specific objections, which they know they'll have to resolve. Last, they are listening for moments of agreement so they can capitalize on consensus. Amazingly persuasive people are constantly listening to you and not themselves.  They already know what they are saying. You can't persuade effectively if you don't know the other side of the argument.
3. They Create a Connection
It's easy to dismiss people who are trying to persuade you if you have no emotional stake in them or their argument. Really persuasive people know this, so they will be likeableand look for common ground to help establish emotional bonds and shared objectives.They show empathy for your position and make it known that they are on your side. They manage their impatience and wait for you to give them permission to advocate their approach. You'll persuade people much more easily if they are open and aligned with your desires.
4. They Acknowledge Credibility
Really persuasive people understand that there is no sense wasting time arguing facts. Most of the world does not function in black and white. They value strong opinions and will make sure that you are entitled to yours. In fact, they will make sure they give you full credit for every argument of yours that has some validity. This makes it harder for you to fully dismiss their point of view. When you are persuading people, reinforce their credibility on facts and opinions rather than dismissing them outright. Then they'll be more likely to pay you equal respect in the exchange and be more open to the merits of your opposing view.
5. They Offer Satisfaction
Smart persuaders know that they don't have to win every little battle to win the war. They are more than willing to sacrifice when it helps the overall cause. They are ready to find the easiest path to yes. Often that is simply to give you what you want whenever possible. In my old lending days, we would often deal with busy underwriters who asked for items we knew they already had. Instead of arguing the point, we would just resend the documents and save our energy for issues that were not so easily resolved. Give ground where you can and hold your ground only where it matters. Choose being successful over being right.
6. They Know When to Shut Up
Successful persuaders get that you don't win the battle by constantly berating people with an unending verbal barrage. Wearing people down is not an effective strategy. They carefully support their arguments and check in with questions that will help to close the conversation. Then they step back. The great sales trainer Tom Hopkins still today teaches these decades-old techniques of his mentor J. Douglas Edwards. His most important lesson is "Whenever you ask a closing question, shut up. The first person who speaks, loses."
7. They Know When to Back Away
Urgency and immediacy are often the enemies of real persuasion. It's possible to close a less significant sale through urgency, but deep ideas require time and thought to take root. Great persuaders bring you along in your own time. And they give you the space and time to carefully consider their position. They know that nothing is more powerful than your persuading yourself on their behalf. That almost never occurs in the presence of the persuader. The next time you want to persuade someone of something truly important, follow the tips above, make your case, and walk away. If they don't come around, you were probably wasting your effort in the first place.
An Inc. 500 entrepreneur with a more than $1 billion sales and marketing track record,KEVIN DAUM is the best-selling author of Video Marketing for Dummies.


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