9/18/2013 06:30:00 AM 0 Comments

Zig Ziglar used to say that timid salespeople have skinny kids.

Timid, as in they never ask for the sale, so they never make any money.

And the same can be said for many who "try" and market online.

Those that beat around the bush and never ask people to take action will never make a dime.

Asking to take action starts from the get-go.

You always want to be moving them towards them forward, closer to making the sale.

Getting people to take baby steps.

Catch their attention with an ad.

Get them to click the ad.

And so on.

The other day I mentioned that on Facebook, one of the most important things you need to do is GRAB their attention.

Because if you don't, they won't even notice your ad.

But once you have their attention, now what?

If you don't have a strong call to action that will motivate your prospect to click and see what's on the other side, they will leave.

And you've got nothing.

During the Facebook training that Curt Maly did for us, he revealed a simple trick he uses to create strong calls to action, without any copywriting skills whatsoever.

That coupled with his sneaky attention grabbing image strategy, gets him and his clients a ton of targeted clicks that turn into quality leads.

You can still grab this training as well as all our past training webinars when you join What's Working Now for just $1.

When you learn how to get quality leads that turn into sales, you'll never have to worry about having skinny kids.

Here's the link to get What's Working Now for just a BUCK!


Vitaly Grinblat,
Editor, Magnetic Sponsoring Newsletter

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