9/04/2013 11:30:00 AM 0 Comments


               Social Media Goes Viral To Over 2 Million People

"So far you heard my voice, but I brought two friends along....and next on the mic is..." Well, if you're a Hip Hop Historian then you know who said that and when! LOL!  Well folks, this may or may not be your first time hearing from us at Q Media but I can guarantee that it won't be your last.  It was 2009 when we decided to open up shop online and host our weekly and sometimes daily show and to our success we've been able to grow from 0 to over 102,000 listeners.

Now, we're ready to make some changes and we want you with us!  Beginning soon UHETV.com and QMedia will be giving you, the artist or entertainment business entity an opportunity to work with us.  This partnership will give you over 2 million opportunities to reach audiences around the globe so that you can boost your career.

The new platform will be exciting and lucrative for all who are involved and we're opening up the floodgates for our people first; whether you've been a guest on the show or will be, or have a video with us.  If you are looking to continue with us on a much larger scale to help build and expand your brand.....WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!
Qumai Muhammad

Want you or your artists' vid or interview up. Do you own a business and would like the exposure of being on The Nerv Of Them MMMBlog!?!? Get in touch with us with one of the links below...

Emperor signing on- When you're looking for Real Hip Hop with meaning and that Trueschool vibe you gotta check out    LINK>>>QMEDIANATION<<


If you don't say Something how will we Know What you're thinking!??!