1/02/2014 11:04:00 PM 0 Comments


H&W Greetings-

     The entire point of building a network marketing business is to develop a team of well educated marketers. Your T.E.A.M. will have the ability to effectively market any product or service that you choose.  This will be your game plan.  You must develop a strong team and then, identify the exceptional leaders on your team (The G's).  Together you and those leaders will weed out, identify and mentor the potential leaders that remain unpolished--your diamonds in the rough so to speak.  From here you will get your Eagle Squad!
     The size of your business and the progress depends on the marketing of the product and services.  Think about all the products and services you use everyday.  Don't you realize that you can get in on those things?!  Cellphones, cellphone service, gas and electric, travel, Gucci, Louie Vutton, home insurance, car insurance, house hold cleaning , and health & wellness products to name a few.   All of these are just bills for most of us, but for others there's money to be made in these very same things??!  This is the power of marketing!  Your growth is never dependent on how great a product is (however,  you do want to market products that you believe in).  Now  I'm not talking about selling, I'm talking about learning to set up marketing systems.  Once you set up  a system that anyone can plug into and be productive, you don't have to sell anymore.  This system is not about calling Uncle Raheem and/or making a list of all your friends and family members and calling them.  When your friends and family want to get down that's cool but, that's not the focus.  We want those that are business minded and are looking to start a business of their own, or already have one.  This is a marketing system that involves targeted e-mail list, blogging, auto responders, writing articles, social media (TwitterFacebook), and more.  All put together in an easy to copy system (science).  This business is ultimately about networking, building relationships, great phone conversations and sharing information that is valuable.  MikeDillard says Mark Wieser is hands down The Expert when it comes to getting your people on the phone! A Mike Dillard coSign is a mad money coSign! Grab Mark's course, it'll be a real flip>>>BlackBelt Recruiting
This is a process.  When you are beginning to build your team you are going to learn different skills.  Lead generation (finding customers/partners) is one.  List building is another (like a fanbase).  These two methods are the answer to the question.  If I'm not asking Mom and Dad, or my co-workers and friends then where do I get a team from (soon mom & dad, and the co-workers will be asking you "what's up, what are you doing")!?  In order for us to network properly in our communities, we have to interact regularly with the community.  Our UML system emphasizes on how to do just that.  Once this gains momentum, an attraction takes place, as it attracts new people who see the movement unfolding.  They want to get involved, they see the value and seriousness of the movement.  New people are coming to your team asking what they need to invest to be down with the team.  Begging you to pay you to join!  Whatever reason you may have for not having this course, let that be the past and, grab this course and use it to build now!>>>Magnetic Sponsoring http
What we are presenting here is a method that involves working hard and working smart.  We have put in place a powerful system along with the education to develop strength as networkers, business owners, youth empowerment advocates and Internet marketers.  Let's grab our share of this money together, and build!

Want you or your artists' vid or interview up. Do you own a business and would like the exposure of being on The Nerv Of Them MMMBlog!?!? Get in touch with us with one of the links below...


If you don't say Something how will we Know What you're thinking!??!