Another Magnetic Sponsoring Student Achieves Financial Independence #ATTRACTIONMARKETING

1/19/2014 11:00:00 AM 0 Comments

Another Magnetic Sponsoring Student Achieves Financial Independence And Fires His Boss... "Congratulations Jared!"

Today's email is really special because another one of our entrepreneurial brothers has done it... He's fired his boss, doubled his corporate six-figure income, and is living the dream at the age of 33... And he's only been in the industry for less than 24 months! 
Please help me congratulate community member, Jared Prazen on an incredible achievement that has changed his life forever.
Read Jared's story below, and take note of the part about "the email" in his drafts folder...

Jared Fires His Boss At Age 33... 

"Dear Mike,
A year and a half ago, I was neck-deep in my first stab at the networking industry. In spite of my best efforts, (or now looking back more because of them), my experience was no different from that of 97% of networkers out there.
I had a few successes in my warm market, but was quickly becoming the pariah of family and work functions as I indiscriminately approached them about my newfound road to riches.
The shocking truth, which I didn't learn until later, was that they just plain weren't looking for that road.
No matter how many "rah-rah" training events I went to...
No matter how many sets of promotional materials I passed out...
No matter how much of my warm market "list" I went through in confidence-shattering personal business pitches...
...NOTHING that I was being told to do was working effectively, and after several months of dutiful effort I was starting to wonder whether this was all just a pipe-dream that would never materialize.
That's when I came across an ad that led me to a page featuring a picture of this twenty-something guy claiming that he could show me a way to become a prospecting "magnet". "Become the hunted instead of the hunter", he was telling me.
Not only that, but what he was saying was WAY different from the conventional wisdom of networking I'd been hearing up until then.
It was refreshing, to say the least.
So within about ten minutes of landing on that page, I had ordered my copy of what was of course your book "Magnetic Sponsoring".
And little did I know how much that would change things for me..
Fast forward to today…
I'm writing this letter as I fly back to the States with my wife after spending a week and a half at an incredible event in Europe with my company.
A year ago, I probably would have been stressed about expenses, and about the work piling up at my demanding job in the investment industry.
But not this time.
You see, I officially QUIT my job two weeks ago.
I made a decision a few months back that I would replace and surpass the six-figure income from my job, set a date for doing so, and even wrote a farewell email to the 200+ people I had worked with over the 12 years I spent with my employer.
That email sat in my "Drafts" folder for the last several months, as I worked out how to apply to my business the many concepts I've picked up from your training.
Using those concepts, it wasn't long before I ranked among the top producers in my company,
...and by my planned date was earning multiples of the six-figure salary I was used to in my job.
When the day finally came, I have NEVER had as much satisfaction clicking the "Send" button as I did with that email.
Within seconds of sending it out, I had dumbstruck people running to my desk asking me what I was doing.
My boss in all fairness was pretty cool about the whole thing, but in a company and industry where people VERY seldom leave to strike out on their own, he was still visibly shell-shocked when I handed him my resignation letter.
It was a long-anticipated day that I will never forget. I am now looking forward to a life that all of us start out in this business hoping to attain but few accomplish.
And one of the best parts is that I now get to plug my growing team right back into the same techniques that got me here, empowering them to create the same experience for themselves.
Mike, I don't know if you set out thinking that you would forever change the networking industry. But that's exactly what you've done.
I shudder to think what kind of potential I might have been giving up had I made the decision not to buy Magnetic Sponsoring a year and a half ago.
Hopefully without sounding too cheesy, the course of my life and that of my immediate family HAS been significantly altered as a result of that decision, and I had to take a few minutes to thank you for that.
You have proven your commitment to providing value in every one of your products that is several times what you charge, and I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.
Warm regards,
Jared J. Prazen"

Congratulations once again Jared... You did it man, and I'm honored to have been able to play a tiny role in your incredible success through Magnetic Sponsoring and Traffic Formula.
Believe it or not, there are still a few people out there reading this email, who haven't read that course yet...
You might even be one of them, and if that's the case, I can understand... To a point.
There are a dozen reasons why you might be hesitant to pull out your credit card and buy a copy of Magnetic Sponsoring...
You're probably wondering if the information will work for you and your company.
You're probably wondering what makes Magnetic Sponsoring "different" than all the other courses you've purchased in the past.
You might not have the money.
I don't know you're reasons, but I do know this, (and I think you'll agree...)
Your success is more important than any of them.
So here's what I propose...
All I can do is say, "just try it", and remove every ounce of risk from the equation so there's nothing to hold you back, and all of your doubts have been removed. 
If you're willing to take a chance on me and Magnetic Sponsoring like Jared did, then I'm willing to take a chance on you...
So I'm actually going to let you "test-drive" the "Magnetic Sponsoring Course" for a full year, risk free.
Order a copy and read it. Use what you learn. 
If you don't get the kind of results you want... If you're not making the kind of money you want...  I'll buy it back from you at any time, during the next YEAR!
You literally have nothing to lose, so give Magnetic Sponsoring the opportunity to change your life, just like it did for Jared.
Click here now and place your order today. You'll have complete access to everything you see here in less than 5 minutes, and the secrets that allowed me to go from waiting tables, to 7 figures in less than 18 months.

And one more thing...
Don't forget to send me your story when you fire your boss. :) 
Mike Dillard 
DISCLAIMER: None of the endorsements or testimonials included in this message depict earnings, revenue or profit results that a consumer should generally expect to achieve by using the advertised products or services.
They only demonstrate exceptional results and are not intended to guaranty or to suggest that you will obtain similar results.
The earnings, revenue and profit results which a consumer will generally achieve in circumstances similar to those depicted in the endorsements and testimonials on this site depend on many factors and conditions, including but not limited to, work ethic, learning ability, use of the products and services, business experience, daily practices, business opportunities, business connections, market conditions, and availability of financing, to name a few.
Because of impediments due to any one or more of the foregoing and other factors, it is generally expected that no earnings, revenues or profits will be achieved with the use of any products or services advertised in this message in circumstances similar to those referenced in any endorsement or testimonial.

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