SEO, A thing of the PAST??!!
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7 Things I Hate About SEO: How I Put An End To My Content Marketing Misery!
Attempting to crack the SEO code in my opinion is on of the biggest tail chasers in the Internet marketing industry. Round and around, and around we go, where we stop…. no one knows!
I’ve been involved with internet marketing for the past 7 years and I’ve learned a great deal about the art of online marketing, especially SEO. I was once a SEO fiend too… giving all of my backlinking praises to theroyal Google fanny.
Along the way I’ve gotten some bruises, fell down and scrapped my knees a few times but I’ve learned some hard lessons. So I’ve decided to let you in on my love hate relationship with SEO and share how I’ve recovered from my SEO addiction.
By the way… if you’re a SEO fiend and you’re easily offended, leave your comments below and we’ll discuss it 
It came out of nowhere:
Like most newbies, I was extremely overwhelmed when I first discovered the underground world of internet marketing and it didn’t take long for “SEO bandit” to grab hold of me.
While in its grips and doing its bidding, I discovered the following 7 things that I at first thought were going to be my ticket to traffic freedom… but they soon turned into my merciless slave drivers:
When I first discovered article spinning starting out, I didn’t have a marketing budget to outsource it. So I actually spent countless hours of my own time concocting so many sentence variations, synonyms, and nested spin syntax that I could start my own content mill.
Today I wouldn’t think of doing that! I’ve traded it in for something much more effective.
In the same amount of time it takes to spin a 500 to 600 word article and plaster it all over cyber space, I’ve found that it’s more worth while to spend it writing a truly value packed article and doing some high profile content syndication on sites like:
It’s more so about the quality of the backlinks rather than the quantity. I used to utilize countless renditions of article marketing spinners, gizmos and gadgets to get backlinks.
Yet another, huge waste of time and money.
Not only does the Google Gods frown upon them, in my experience it didn’t really do much to help my SEO traffic. More on that in a minute.
I now engage in a much more fun way of building backlinks to my site by actually participating in blog commenting.
This has truly become one of my favorite past times 
Blog commenting not only allows you to build high quality backlinks, it’s also fun to engage with your fellow blogging community. Not to mention the windfall of traffic it’ll gust your way.
Ummm, that didn’t work out for me either.
Granted, it did automate the sign ups to the article directories (well… the 10% that would actually allow it to sign up). And it did automate the article submission process (to about 10% of the sites that it actually signed up for). And yeah, they even increased my backlinks… by about 1 to 3 links a week (and that was after blasting countless articles to over 1,000 directories daily).
In the end, I concluded that article marketing software is just about as useless as a dead smartphone without a charger.
Today I focus on syndicating my content on sites that actually send traffic like: (my personal fav
) and (my personal fav and
I’ve just completely let go of the whole “keyword research” concept all together. Ugh! What a headache. I’ll leave that to you niche site gurus 
All I focus on now is just creating truly original, useful and entertaining content with a killer headline 
Such a simple concept and much more bearable.
Ya’ know, I’m pretty sure that Google’s gonna always be around, but with the constant changes that comes when it’s on “monthly cycle” and its constant mood swings… it’s really not as attractive as it used to be.
I’ve become a firm believer in the power of community and social traffic. And from what I’m seeing, social media is definitely where it’s going to stay at. So, my time is better spent with sites like:
- and
One of first traffic generation strategies that I ever heard about was submitting articles to various article directories. I remember coming across a list of the top 50 article directories and actually manually signing up for them all and attempting to submit my one article to all of them.
By the time I got to my 15th article directory, I’d discovered automatic article submission software. Although at the time automatic submission software seemed like it was going my saving grace, it barely did anything to boost my traffic.
Today it’s a whole other ball game 
It makes much more sense to focus on high-profile article marketing. It’s all about getting as many people to see your content as possible, with the least amount of work as possible.
To put it simply:
Work smarter, Not harder
But after a while, I found myself feeling limited… restrained… like aunruly schizophrenic wrestling to get out of her straight jacket.
The SEO process is quite intricate and fascinating. And yes, if done properly (given that you roll with Google’s punches) you can rake in a good amount of traffic from it. But in my experience, SEO really diluted my creative juices and I just can’t imagine ever going back to the zombie like monotony of the SEO ritual.
Breaking free and spreading my wings
Today I couldn’t be happier with my content marketing strategy. Well… I don’t know that I would actually call it a strategy, it’s more of just me being who I am and sharing it with the blogosphere.
If you like it, great! If you don’t, even better! There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of confrontation every now and then. Lol.
The whole point of blogging and content marketing is to leave your original footprint and have fun doing it. I can honestly say, that I’m actually having a Football Sunday blast blogging now and I’m beyond excited to see where it’ll take me.
I’d like to know your thoughts on SEO and hear some of your personal experiences. What do you hate most about SEO? What do you like most about SEO? Let me know in the comments below.
See ya’ around the net!
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