Do You Love What You Do!??!

10/29/2012 11:46:00 AM 0 Comments

There was a great question posted in the comments that I think a lot of people will face at one point or another.
It’s a biggie and I decided to create a post about it because it’s something I had to struggle with as well at one point.
Question is…
How do you find your passion in business?
For starters I believe it’s CRUCIAL to make sure that what you’re doing is something you’re passionate about.
Now let me preface this by saying that years and years ago, one of my mentors, who is making a nice 7-figure income which is a close to 100% passive income as you can get, all from residuals and overrides said something that I think derails a lot of people.
He said to forget about the crowd that’s telling you to do what you love, you need to do what you need to do to get financially independent.
And on the one hand I 100% agree with him.
Making money and becoming financially independent should be your #1 goal. Why else be in business?
And when people say because they like helping others… well then go and volunteer somewhere, it’s a lot easier.
But if you chose to be in business for yourself, then you have to focus on making money.
Of course making money is the byproduct of sales, and sales is the byproduct of helping people get what they want.
After all, you are selling a GOOD product, aren’t you?
Now the thing is to build a business there are all kinds of challenges that’ll be thrown your way, things you’ll have to deal with and overcome, and some of them are not pleasant.
That’s the reality.
But the upside to that is a chance to be FREE, make money, have unlimited potential, call your own shots, etc… and that is what drives me and I believe most entrepreneurs.
We’re just not cut out to be stuck in a cubicle for 40 years for a measly pay.
Here’s the other side of this coin… if you don’t enjoy or aren’t passionate about what it is that you’re doing… if you’re not passionate about what you’re selling, then you’ll be miserable.
Take Doctors for example.
Nothing wrong with being a Doctor IF you love it.
The whole idea of cutting someone open and everything else that goes with it… even just walking into a hospital makes me sick.
So if I became a surgeon let’s say, and was making a Million Dollars a year, (the part I’d like), but everyday I had to go to a place I can’t stand, and do things I totally dislike, I honestly don’t think I could do it.
But so many people do.
They get into careers which they find out they got no interest in, but they stay in it for the money.
Back to business. If you had to sell things you’re not passionate about, deal with people you don’t like, and do something that doesn’t make you jump out of bed in the morning with excitement, how long do you think you’d last?
Especially since initially there’s no money, but you still have to put in the work.
Now here’s the problem with MLM companies and top leaders, and I know this might tick some people off, but I’m saying this from experience…
Most Network Marketing companies want you to believe that theirs is the only option for you to make it BIG.
Like my old mentor who said it doesn’t matter whether you love it or not, it’s about getting financially independent.
But here’s the thought that finally came to me after TEN YEARS of doing that…
… can I make a lot of money, have freedom, and become financially independent doing what I LOVE?

Can I have the lifestyle I want and do what I’m passionate about?

And the answer is… ABSOLUTELY!
There’s probably no one better to talk to you about this than me, because I hated picking up the phone and calling people… I hated doing meetings… I hated staying at the office late to meet all the new people, and going out on late appointments… but I did it anyway because I HAD TO DO IT, to get what I want.
What I realized is that there are SO MANY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY it’s unbelievable.
On the one hand I saw abundance and unlimited opportunity… on the other hand I only saw it through a lens that I was looking at… which was MY OPPORTUNITY.
Truth is, there are plenty of opportunities out there and plenty of ways to get what you want, you just have to pick which one to focus on.
I think the best way to do it, is to lock yourself in a room, take out a notepad and start writing things that you like and enjoy to do… WITHOUT thinking about the money first.
What are you passionate about?
What are your hobbies?
What would you do even if you didn’t get paid for it?
What activities would fill a perfect day for you?
This should get you started and mind flowing with ideas.
Then ask yourself…
… how can I make money or what business opportunity or products out there that are in alignment with what I like, enjoy and passionate about?
Are you passionate about health and nutrition?
Then you should strive to build your business around that passion.
Same goes for money, travel, sports, or anything else you can possibly imagine.
But, just because you’re passionate about something, doesn’t mean that you’ll enjoy every aspect of building that business.
Internet Marketing is the ultimate business in my opinion, and you can find your passion in doing business online.
There are many moving parts to building an online business, and some you may not enjoy.
You need to run a blog, build squeeze pages, buy traffic or use SEO, generate leads, create a list… and the list goes one.
Some of it is technical, and if you’re terrified of technology, if the words HTML make your head spin does that mean you can’t or shouldn’t market online?
Not at all. You can outsource it, hire someone who can do it, partner up with someone who’s good at it or learn to do it yourself to get started.
The idea is to find what you’re good at and enjoy doing and stick to THAT.
Everything else can be outsourced.
The owner of a restaurant doesn’t have to be the chef, unless he enjoys doing it and is good.
Writing copy is crucial to your success online and you need to learn how to do it, BUT… if you don’t want to write it yourself, then pay someone else.
There’s no reason NOT to be successful with something you’re truly passionate about.
You just have to discover what it is.
Vitaly Grinblat


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